Issaquah Athletics

Athletic Director:  Jordan Halstead


The Booster Club promotes and provides support for all athletics at Issaquah High School.  

  • How does the Boosters promote athletics?  Weekly Booster Buzz member newsletters, awards, and Another Eagle Goes to State yard signs
  • How does Boosters provide funding support?  Through booster grants, athletic trainer support, senior scholarships, etc. In addition, Boosters provides a secure & legal platform for programs to fundraise.
  • Can I make a designated gift to a certain sport?  District funding falls short of meeting the needs for most sports.  For this reason, families are asked to participate in fundraising activities.  The Booster Club provides a secure and safe account structure for programs to collect donations for program needs.  This can be done online (Designated Donations), by check, payable to the IHS Booster Club, subject line: YOUR sport.  General donations designated to a sport can also be made to ASB.  Donations made through ASB or Boosters are collected in designated (restricted to that activity) accounts.  The difference between donations made through ASB and Boosters is that designated Booster funds have fewer restrictions are more accessible to the Coach than ASB funds. 
  • Booster Parent Rep:  The Booster Club provides an official framework to support designated/specific fundraising efforts. Each activity utilizing the Booster Club for fundraising effort has a parent fundraising lead, the Booster Parent Rep, and is encouraged to have at least three (3) appointed parents in that activity to form the Booster Crew.  Funds raised by Booster Parent Rep and Booster Crew will be earmarked as “designated funds” and held by the Booster Club for the benefit of the team.